This past Monday, we received an invitation from the White House to attend President Obama’s visit to the Pittsburgh area today. It is an honor to be an invited guest of the President, so David Kahley, our President & CEO, and Karen Post, our CFO, braved the 7 degree temperature at the event to shake the President’s hand, in support of economic opportunity for American citizens.
President Barack Obama visited the U.S. Steel Irvin Plant as a stage to dramatize the themes of worker equity that ran through Tuesday night’s State of the Union address. Mr. Obama discussed the contrast between the situations of workers covered by traditional pension plans, such as the steelworkers he addressed, and the insecurity of families whose financial challenges make it difficult to save for retirement.
President Obama’s visit to the U.S. Steel Plant is part of a two-day, four-stop tour to support the agenda he discussed in Tuesday’s State of the Union address.
Read more in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
Related News: Working It Out: Obama Speaks About Minimum Wage At Maryland Costco.
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