Over the past two years, The Progress Fund has worked to save and reopen an important local landmark. Built circa 1873, this old country store is at the commercial center of the Village of Laughlintown along Route 30 in eastern Westmoreland County, PA. It has stood vacant for the last 16 years, in a “Catch 22” of preservation restrictions, zoning laws and building codes.
With funding from the Richard King Mellon Foundation, collaboration from the Western PA Conservancy and Ligonier Township, The Progress Fund acquired and totally rehabilitated the property.
Chuck and Kathy Moore, owners of the successful Country Cupboard & Nature Run Wood Works in Ligonier, will open their second store in The Progress Fund’s newest property holding on July 4. Read more about this project.
Related News:
Progress fund breathes new life into old Laughlintown general store – published in the Ligonier Echo on July 3, 2014
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