“Wash the dishes, and then feed the baboon.” That’s not an order most kids get around the house. But for Adam Guiher, growing up around primates, big cats, reptiles, and hundreds of other exotic animals […] Continue Reading
Borrower Stories
Chainsaw Carvers Cutting Out Unique Niche
Chainsaw carving already draws 200 carvers and 30,000 tourists to northern Pennsylvania’s Elk County each February. Now the husband-and-wife team that runs the annual Ridgway Chainsaw Carvers Rendezvous is turning the amazing transformation of log-to-art […] Continue Reading
Alpaca Breeding Coming to Huntingdon
The first members of a herd of exotic alpacas arrived in Huntingdon County on December 5, 2004. The fleece-producing relatives of the llama bring a new twist on both agriculture and tourism to the area, […] Continue Reading
Caboose Drives Cresson’s Tourism Growth
Cresson, PA, has long been a proud rail town, but it’s never seen a caboose quite like this one. Last weekend, the owners of longstanding Dunny’s Pizza opened their new venture, a ice cream shop […] Continue Reading
PovertyNeck Hillbillies Get a Richer Sound
When the PovertyNeck Hillbillies play in Pennsylvania, they draw local fans and admirers from several states around. When they tour the Midwest and the South, they communicate the region’s vibrancy and values, loud and clear. […] Continue Reading
Summit Discount Groceries Finds New Home in 160 Year Old Church
The new Summit Discount Groceries is now open marking the shop’s transformation from a hobby into a significant retailer and tourist attraction. Read more.
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