Congratulations to our borrowers, John and Kathryn Dawes, owners of Huntingdon Farm of Alexandria, PA, on their Environmental Stewardship Award.
Borrower Stories
Brewing up Butler’s newest destination
Congratulations to Travis Tuttle, Nick Fazzoni and Greg Deal on the opening of Butler Brew Works, Butler’s newest micro-brewery and brewpub. After nearly five years of working on this project, they have finally achieved their dream of opening their own business, brewing and serving their “adventurous ales”.
The trail led them home
Our borrower, Derailleur Bike Shop Café of Herman, PA, is highlighted in the June issue of Freedom Farms Magazine, a monthly magazine that covers the inner workings of farm living and the sustainable lifestyle.
Going full circle
Last week, we shared an article written by TABLE Magazine about some noteworthy tourism businesses we funded. This goes full circle because ten years ago, we helped TABLE Magazine get started! TABLE Magazine was recently honored […] Continue Reading
All in the family
Ridge Runner Distillery, one of our newest borrowers was featured in TABLE magazine along with the rest of their culinary clan. (Article by Kelly Gould) “There’s Nothing Like Family.John and Sharon Klay would probably agree, […] Continue Reading
Golf thrives in Western PA
The headlines have been nothing short of funereal.
Golf is dead, they say. Or at least it’s in the decline. You can thank the Great Recession for that. Generational change. Or credit Tiger, whose spectacular rise was outdone only by his disastrous fall, mirroring the decline of golf’s popularity. Maybe, some say, the fault lies with the sport, which is too slow, too expensive, too elitist and too hard to learn.
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