Derailleur Bike Shop Café
Gavin Archer and Dee Stephen, both trained archeologists and avid cyclists, wanted to create a business in Pennsylvania that incorporated the sport that they love. The couple fulfilled their dream on July 4, 2014 with the opening of Derailleur Bike Shop Café, the first and only café and bicycle retail, service and rental shop catering to Butler-Freeport Community Trail users.
Located in an 1886 historic building, Derailleur was four years in the making. The couple completed extensive renovations to the property which included replacing the flooring, wiring, plumbing, and roof as well as demolishing a damaged post office/ticket office that was attached to the store. The Progress Fund provided a $50,000 USDA RMAP microloan and a $10,000 microloan which funded a portion of the property renovations needed to open the business.
Archer and Stephen preserved the historic feel of the property, retained the original woodwork, built-in shelving, and the old mercantile counters. “We wanted to incorporate the bicycle shop into something that would be useful for all users of the trail, not just cyclists,” said Stephen. As a family run, socially responsible company, Derailleur advocates healthy living and alternative transportation. Derailleur has been well received in the community and earned very positive feedback from their customers. To better serve them, Derailleur added a fleet of rental bikes and an espresso machine with an additional $6,000 from The Progress Fund.
The Progress Fund is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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